Bali Nine Drug Smugglers Taken To Execution Jail

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 04 Maret 2015 | 16.15

Bali Nine Drug Smugglers Taken To Execution Jail

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Two Australian men convicted of drug smuggling in Indonesia have been taken from a prison in Bali to an island where they face execution by firing squad.

Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, were found guilty in 2005 of being the ringleaders of the so-called "Bali Nine" drug smuggling gang.

They were sentenced to death the following year.

Australia has been pursuing a campaign to save the men - but the Indonesian president has refused to grant them clemency.

The pair lost their latest appeal in February.


  1. Gallery: Australian Prisoners Convicted Over Drug Smuggling

    The Bali Nine are a group of Australians jailed for attempting to smuggle over £2m of heroin out of Indonesia. Their sentences vary: some face life - the ringleaders face the firing squad

Named as one of the ringleaders of the heroin smuggling operation, Andrew Chan was 21 years old when he was arrested


Si Yi Chen was first sentenced to life imprisonment. He appealed against the decision but was then given the death penalty. After an appeal he was sentenced to 20 years


Michael Czugaj was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006. He also appealed against the decision but the sentence was upheld later in the year


Matthew Norman was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006 but the Supreme Court imposed the death penalty after he appealed

Bali Nine Drug Smugglers Taken To Execution Jail

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Two Australian men convicted of drug smuggling in Indonesia have been taken from a prison in Bali to an island where they face execution by firing squad.

Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, were found guilty in 2005 of being the ringleaders of the so-called "Bali Nine" drug smuggling gang.

They were sentenced to death the following year.

Australia has been pursuing a campaign to save the men - but the Indonesian president has refused to grant them clemency.

The pair lost their latest appeal in February.


  1. Gallery: Australian Prisoners Convicted Over Drug Smuggling

    The Bali Nine are a group of Australians jailed for attempting to smuggle over £2m of heroin out of Indonesia. Their sentences vary: some face life - the ringleaders face the firing squad

Named as one of the ringleaders of the heroin smuggling operation, Andrew Chan was 21 years old when he was arrested


Si Yi Chen was first sentenced to life imprisonment. He appealed against the decision but was then given the death penalty. After an appeal he was sentenced to 20 years


Michael Czugaj was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006. He also appealed against the decision but the sentence was upheld later in the year


Matthew Norman was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006 but the Supreme Court imposed the death penalty after he appealed


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